Exposing Myself

Have you ever felt that you just had to do something even though it wasn’t originally part of the plan? Well, this is what has happened to me and the reason that I decided to start a blog. A blog was nowhere in my thoughts or plans. There are so many people who had already started one, so what could I offer that wasn’t already out there. Plus I felt that it would be a great way to share more of my design process. I talked to the bestie, Sharmana, about it, and she encouraged me to move forward with the new plan. This blog will be used as an extension of me and how I see things through my eyes. Now my blog won’t just be about interior design/styling, it will be about whatever I want to share at the moment. Now that I decided to go this route, I don’t want to limit myself by saying I’m only doing this one thing. Since this is my blog, I have the freedom to navigate it as I see fit. That’s the best thing aobut being free. I’m free to be me and that’s the best feeling in the world.

Now this is a big step for me because I don’t like to put myself out there like that. I took a leap of faith with starting m yown business, so here I am putting more of me out there for all to see. I hope you find inspitation here on my page, and take some ideas that you can learn to implement for yourself. When you come here, my hope is tha tyou will get a bettre glimpse into who Quita is as I expose more of me. Additionally, I hope you engage with me here and on my othr social media platforms.

Just a little bit more about me. I’ve been married for 22 years to the person I’ve been with since I was 15 years old. We have two grown sons. I’m an elementary school principal by day, and I just recently launched my interior design business. I know you are saying what is wrong with this lady. LOL! When I can’t get something out of my mind, I know its God’s way of pushing me to be all I can be. I decided to answer back. Who says you can only do or be one thing. Nobody ever!! So here I am being all that I can be.

Please stay tuned in and support me in this journey as I learn how to use it as part of my story. I welcome you, and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with me here.

Please stay tuned in and support me in this journey as I learn how to use it as part of my story. I welcome you, and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with me here.


Bedroom Makeover Revealed