A Well-Balanced Life

I have only been in business for the past year and a half, but I was finding myself extremely overwhelmed. Some of it was opening a brand new school during a pandemic, and the other part was trying to build a business basically on my own. Of course, I have people that support me on this journey, but the sweat equity is all mine.

I am a wife, mother, homeowner, elementary school principal, student, and an entrepreneur. There are tasks that must be accomplished in each of these roles which comes with their own set of challenges. There were days where I started to just feel like I didn’t have it all together. You see adding on that layer of entrepreneurship was about to take me all the way out. I had started feeling like I was neglecting my clients although everything was still intact on their end. While feeling neglectful, I was still saying yes to new clients. They started piling on real fast which also made me start to think about my process and the types of clients that I wanted to have.

I do believe that if you can afford to pay for help, you absolute should. However, I’ve never been a person who did. I was so accustomed to taking it all on myself, and as I get older and wiser, I knew that things had to change. I knew that I would face burnout real fast if I didn’t get things all the way under control.

Here are the things that I decided to put in place to help lighten the load:


Hire Help

I sat down one Sunday and decided that I had to get some help if I wanted my business to flourish, plus I needed peace of mind. In walked Britney, my assistant. I needed to take some of the tedious tasks off my To Do list. This would free me up to truly focus on my client needs and not be bogged down with trying to do branding things. I also knew by getting help with my business would ultimately give me some time back for home life and allow me to focus on being a principal while at work. She is responsible for website updates, creating forms, labels, ordering business cards, checking my schedule, some sourcing, pick up items, site visits if needed, and assisting me on install day. We meet once a week to discuss the details for the upcoming week.

Digital Tools

While talking to my assistant, she stated that she knew I loved to make To Do lists. She suggested that I use Microsoft To Do app so I wouldn’t have to keep writing everything down. Plus this is 2021 where everything is technology based, so let’s upgrade. This app has changed my life. My phone is always with me, so its very easy to type in the tasks as I think of them. The Microsoft To Do App allows me to send my assistant the tasks that I need her to accomplish because we are synced together, and I am able to see when she has completed specific tasks.

I eventually want to be able to invite my clients over to my home to present them their Design Plan, but I haven’t gotten there yet. In the meantime, I have started scheduling Zoom meetings, so I can go over in detail the plan including next step meetings. This way we can get everything taken care of upfront, and I don’t have to wait on them to view the plan and email me back. I am able to answer what questions that they may have all while being in the comfort of my home. These meetings help me to know that I am listening to my clients, they have my full attention, and I am not neglecting them. It is giving us face to face contact versus just talking on the phone, email, or text messages.

I use an online digital management platform that allows things to be automatic. When my clients fill out the lead capture form to work with me, they automatically receive an email about following up. This system is used to schedule their Discovery calls, Virtual Consultation, In-Person consultation, etc. Things are able to keep moving without me having to do much besides the initial set up.

I use my Google Calendar to sync my client schedules, work schedules, appointments, zoom meetings, etc. The app is at my finger tips because it is on my cell phone, so it’s easily accessible. It helps me to not overbook myself. Everything is housed on that one platform.

Client Folders

I have a folder for every client that includes their proposal, design plan, shopping list, and next steps. I also use Notability when I go to a client’s home to draw out a rough sketch of their floor plan and capture some additional notes.

Date Night

Being happily married is very important to me, so the hubby and I have decided to start back with our monthly date nights. Time with my spouse is needed in order to balance it all. Even though, we eat dinner together often, date night is a special time. We get dressed up and make reservations at a nice restaurant. Our phones are put away and it is just a time for the two of us to reconnect.

Grocery Shopping

I order my groceries for pick up or delivery. On occasions I will run into the store if I need to pick up an item or two but typically I order while at work and its ready when I get off work. Nothing beats your time.

Cleaning Services

Due to having to work on client projects on the weekend, I don’t have the same time to clean my house as I should. I made the decision to hire the cleaning services out. She comes every two weeks, and it has made all the difference. This is such a warm and welcomed service. I am thrilled that I decided to just go for it.

Time to Breath

Every day when I get in from work, I change into something comfortable, and I sit for about 30 minutes. This time allows me to decompress from work and get my mind right before delving into anything else. I have also decided that Wednesday afternoon and Sundays would be off days for me. I am going to hold these days as sacred so that I can get the time that I need for me. Additionally, I will be scheduling vacation days so that I can have extended days off in a row.

Dates with Friends

I realize more and more how important it is to schedule time to hang out with your friends. We all need that time to laugh, drink, and be merry with our friends. I have now started to schedule dates with my friends more frequently. Friends that support you, allow you to be yourself, encourage you, and bring tears to your eyes with laughter is a must needed distraction from life.

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I like to take some time daily to decompress from work before diving into my other tasks.

Daily Schedule

I try to stick to a daily schedule. I go to bed every night between 9 and 9:30 so that I can wake up at 3:50 to start client work. I work for an hour, and then exercise for an hour. Doing both of these in the morning helps free up my day and mind. Its quiet in the morning with no phone distractions or television, so I am able to get some real work in. I also schedule the time for New York Institute of Art and Design. This has been a bit challenging since my hours are already filled, but I schedule it in, so that I can get it accomplished.

I have noticed when I stick with this process, it makes for a great day and week. I must stay the course. All of these things that I have put in place have helped me tremendously. I can feel the weight of life lifted off of me in some aspect.

I hope these tips and tools help you balance your life.

Thank you all for following along and please stay tuned for more.


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